

"When they were fully awake, they saw His glory..." Luke 9:32

I have had a longing most of my life. 'There has got to be more...' Fully Awake is the culmination of a lifetime. The more I pursue my various passions, the more I realize how woven they are. Each passion fulfills a piece of the bigger picture of wholeness. To experience this wholeness, we address nourishing & moving our bodies, enjoying life, becoming awakened in our spirits and learning how to truly rest.

Fully Awake is an invitation for you to experience an unfolding of fullness, to wake up areas of your life that might feel dormant. I am reminded of the moment right after you sparkle the windows in your house. The first thing most of us think is 'I had no idea the windows were so cloudy. It's so bright in here now.'

A foundational element of Fully Awake, is that everyone has a unique unfolding. You will be encouraged to activate what you know is true for you. You will have opportunity to engage and explore areas of your life that are untapped or are yet to be discovered. The powerful and beautiful reality is we get to choose how we walk through life. We get to choose how we are present in our time on earth. During a season of my life that was dark and overwhelming, God spoke to my heart..."If you are going to be alive, then live." He breathed life into my shadows. He invited me to chose life, to live. He showed me there is more. I invite you to become Fully Awake.